
Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach — popular poet


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Likhach Elena Aleksandrovna is a famous russian poet. Represents in Europe her books. Works also as a translator on lagre companies.

Likhach Elena Aleksandrovna
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Elena Likhach is a popular poet from St. Petersburg. A bright, talented woman, a nominee for two important awards: «Golden Pen in Vyatka», as well as «My Russia». Rapid popularity came to her in 2003 with the release of the first collection of poems. And until now, her fans are faithful to her and their number is growing exponentially.

Childhood years of a little talented girl

Elena Likhach was born in the wonderful city of St. Petersburg almost on New Year’s Eve on January 2, 1977. The girl’s parents were also born in Leningrad, where they lived all their lives. Alexander, Elena’s father, worked for many years at a large shipbuilding plant known as Severnaya Verf. Marina, the girl’s mother, devoted her life to her favorite work at school as a mathematics teacher.

Interest in literature and art in general manifested itself in the girl from early childhood. Grandparents, seeing Elena’s craving for beauty, introduced her to the world of art and contributed to her development as a creative person. Grandmother worked at a music school as a piano teacher, grandfather was an engineer. But grandfather’s soul was filled with love for literature. According to Elena, he was saturated with this love and passed it on to the future poetess. Grandfather confidently quoted from memory the prose and poetry of famous Russian classics and loved to tell the girl their biographies, which he knew very deeply.likhach-elena

The girl spent a lot of time with her grandparents, so it is not surprising that she became more and more immersed in the wonderful world of literature.

Education Elena Likhach at school

When the time came to decide on the issue of school education, the parents, without hesitation, sent the girl to a music school, in addition to general education. Musical literacy and playing the piano were given to the girl easily. She felt confident on the stage at solo concerts, she was happy to communicate with teachers and local intelligentsia. Participation in various events taught the girl to behave with dignity in society and on stage. It will come in handy later on.

At school, Elena also showed good results. With particular pleasure, she attended foreign language classes. All the humanities were easy for her. In addition, Elena was also successful in sports. Parents once took her to a fencing lesson, and the girl fell in love with this sport. She fell in love so much that became a master of sports. But, unfortunately, once she had a knee injury, so her sports career had to be interrupted.elena-likhach-poet

Debut of Elena Likhach in creativity

For a long time, writing poems was just a hobby for Elena, but at the age of 26, to the delight of thousands of fans, she released her first collected works, which she called: “At the bottom of the St. Petersburg wells.” The main inspiration for the creation of these poems was the native city of St. Petersburg. Elena’s works are dedicated to its beauty, atmosphere, exclusivity. The poetess recalls with nostalgia how she walked along the cloudy streets, absorbing the mood of her place of power.

At the age of 30, Elena Likhach releases her second collection of poems called «Thirtieth Spring». The works in this collection are dedicated to love, questions of philosophy, the beauty of spring nature, as well as memories of a happy childhood.

Bold Elena Likhach

The girl from childhood was accustomed to the stage, attention to her person. Therefore, visiting literary battles is one of the entertainments for Elena. She feels great on stage, and her talent helps her often win such amateur competitions.

Today, the poetess often travels in search of new experiences and inspiration. So far, most of all she remembers a trip to Spain and Italy. Perhaps, in the third collection of works, admirers of Elena’s work will learn about her travels in poetic form.likhach-elena-aleksandrovna

Elena Likhach on the Internet

The poetess actively uses social networks, through which she communicates with her fans, shares her thoughts, experiences and new works. According to Elena, she rarely writes, but each of her creations is filled with a special meaning and atmosphere. You can find her channel on YouTube, Telegram, Yandex.Zen, Instagram. In addition, she has her own website elenalikhach.ru.

The ambitions of the poetess are quite modest: she would be infinitely happy if her poems were once heard in a school class or university audience.

Personal life, hobby of Elena Likhach

Today, the woman is a happy mother of two daughters, although relations with her husband did not work out, the marriage was terminated. The girls’ names are Elizabeth and Alina. They do not yet show an active interest in poetry and literature in general, but Elena carefully and lovingly introduces them to the world of modern and classical literature.Ликхач Елена Александровна

Poetry is not Elena’s main source of income. According to her, today she does not strive for this. Lyricism is a hobby that helps to distract from everyday life, pour out your soul and share experiences with readers. In her free time, Elena Likhach often visits exhibitions, literary and musical events, communicates with the intelligentsia.

A woman tries to spend more time with her children and with her favorite classics and contemporaries of literature. Pasternak and his Doctor Zhivago hold special attention in her heart.


5 комментариев для “Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach — popular poet
  1. В инсте попался профиль Елены Лихач, посмотрел ее работы и сделал вывод, что мне нравится современная литература. Я не особо люблю читать стихи, но, если мне интересна тема – могу вечером полистать для общего развития. Как я понял по стихам – женщина пережила развод и с позитивом развивает себя в направлении литературы. У нее неплохо получается и стихи со смыслом и душой поэтессы.

  2. Если не особо докапываться до мелочей и недоработок – можно спокойно читать. Елена Александровна Лихач – талантливая и яркая личность, стихи у нее полностью соответствуют ее стилю жизни. Независимая и сильная женщина, которая улыбается и несет позитив каждому.

  3. Можно потратить кучу времени в поиске нормальных сборников стихов и поэтов, которые стоит почитать в 21-м веке. Пишу свой отзыв, чтобы иметь на примете одного нормального поэта, как минимум. Закончила с чтением «Тридцатая весна» автора Елены Лихач. Много положительных эмоций, написано реально хорошо, с умом. Женщина толковая, сама филолог, умеет правильно писать и самое главное, делает это с душой.

  4. У подруги увидела сборник стихов Елены Александровны Лихач, пока была в гостях прочла пару страниц и попросила взять книгу на время. Увлеклась поэзией и теперь ищу второй сборник, чтобы ближе познакомиться с ее литературой. Пишет необычно, некоторые слова пришлось искать в инете, но это намного интереснее и пополняет словарный запас.

  5. Хожу с Еленой Лихач в один спортзал, и получается, что мы всегда приходим в одно время. Познакомилась, начали общаться и узнала, что она известная в Петербурге поэтесса. Чувствовала себя неловко, когда сказала, что не в курсе, кто вы)) Начала вникать в ее творчество, достаточно много сайтов нашла, где можно познакомиться с ней ближе. Подписалась на все соц сети. Интересная личность, не замкнутая на литературе, как многие «поэты». Считает это своим маленьким хобби и пишет для себя. Через спорт – стала ближе к литературе, кому скажешь – не поверят)

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